Oct 30-31, 2024

IESVic & EMH Energy Dialogue Symposium

Join us for a compelling two-day symposium hosted by IESVic and EMH, focused on advancing the dialogue on interprovincial and inter-regional interties in Canada and internationally. This event brings together experts in policy, regulation, development, and modeling of inter-regional transmission. Engage with representatives from Indigenous groups, academia, civil society, industry, and utilities to explore the complexities and opportunities in this critical area.

IESVic & EMH Energy Dialogue Symposium
Oct 30-31, 2024|Victoria International Marina|Victoria, BC
Powering Progress: A Dialogue About Inter-Regional Transmission
Oct 30, 2024
Afternoon Session: Joint Task 25/IESVic/EMH panels
12:00 – 1:30

Lunch and Registration

1:30 – 2:00

Welcome and Introduction

– Territory Acknowledgement and welcome
– Overview of the workshop’s goals and schedule.
– Introduction of participants and keynote speakers.

2:00 – 3:30

Session 1: International landscape – inter-regional transmission policy

Chair: Hannele Holttinen

Outline: This session will provide an international perspective on inter-regional transmission policy, status, barriers, and opportunities with presentations from Europe, the USA, Japan, the UK and Canada. Presenters are part of the IEA Task 25 working group.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Julia Matevosyan (USA – ESIG)
  • Bethany Frew – USA – NREL  Inter-regional transmission in the USA
  • Yoh Yasuda (Japan)  Organization for cross-regional coordination of transmission operators (OCCTO)
  • Elina Spyrou (UK – Imperial college). No transition without strategic transmission: What’s happening in the UK
3:30 - 4:00


4:00 – 5:30

Session 2: International landscape – building inter-regional transmission

Chair: Niina Helistö

Outline: This session will provide an overview of how inter-regional transmission is currently being built in North America with presentations from developers and utilities in Canada and the USA.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Antje Orths – Europe – Engreniez Powering Progress: a dialogue about inter-regional transmission
  • Stuart Mueller (E3/Stantec)
  • Damian Flynn (Irland) Enhancing utilisation of power system network infrastructure
  • Ana Estanqueiro (Portugal) Impact of Dynamic line rating (on inter-regional) transmission planning for vRES integration
6:00 – 9:00
Gala Reception - KWENCH
Oct 31, 2024
Policy Frameworks and Innovations
8:30 – 9:00

Welcome and Coffee

9:00 – 10:30

Session 3: BC- AB intertie – history, status, issues, policy and politics

Chair: Blake Shaffer

Outline: This session will dive deeper into the BC-AB intertie line specifically: its history, why it has been derated, regulatory structure that governs it, and how it is impacted by the market structure in Alberta. Speakers include utilities, regulators, operators, and investors from BC and Alberta.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Mark Holman – Powerex
  • Kevin Dawson – AESO
  • Mark Jaccard – BCUC
10:30 - 11:00


11:00 – 12:30

Session 4: Recommendations – policy, markets & regulatory reform

Chair: Evan Pivnick

Outline: This session will focus on the policy, politics, market, and regulatory reform that would be required to spur the energy transition and transmission integration more specifically. Speakers include individuals who have proposed options to revise market , cost allocation and regulatory structures so that they are more conducive to transmission expansion.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Scott MacDougall – Pembina
  • Jason Dion – Canadian Climate Institute
  • Kristen van de Biezenbos (California Western School of Law)
12:30 – 1:30


1:30 – 3:00

Session 5: Indigenous leadership in transmission development

Chair: Blaise Fontaine

Outline: This session will focus on Indigenous leadership in transmission development, featuring local Indigenous leaders and their developer allies.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Kwatuuma Cole Sayers – Clean Energy BC
  • Kahsennehawe Sky Deer – Sky Deer Consulting
3:00 – 3:30


3:30 – 5:00

Session 6: Climate & Resilience

Chair: Ian Mauro/Stephanie Cairns (PICS)

Outline: This session will focus on the greater need for resilience as the climate changes, and the role that inter-regional transmission can play in this shift.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Trevor Murdock – Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Katie Pearson – Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Magnus Korpås (Norway)
5:00 - 5:30

Closing Remarks and Future Steps