The Strategic Integration of Large-capacity Variable Energy Resources (SILVER) model is a production cost and economic dispatch framework developed to both analyze electricity grids and explore network scenarios with high variable renewable energy capacity.
Open-Source Models for Policy Insights

The Canadian Opportunities for Planning and Production of Electricity Resources (COPPER) model is a capacity expansion and planning framework for the electric grid. The framework is a multi-period, optimization-based capacity expansion model specifically designed for the Canadian context.
The Building Decarbonization Alliance presents the Building Decarbonization Alliance Open-Source Model (BDA-OSM), a tool dedicated to assessing the decarbonization of Canada’s residential, commercial, and institutional buildings, both new and existing. Designed for policymakers, the BDA-OSM evaluates the effects of various building decarbonization strategies across Canada’s diverse regions. It encompasses residential, multi-residential, and commercial buildings nationwide. The model provides detailed results at national and provincial levels, with its scope and granularity set to expand over time.