Open Insights

Launching in June 2024, Open Insights aspires to contribute to the Canadian climate and energy transition policy dialogue by enabling reliable, transparent modeling that improves the rigour and quality of policy outcomes.
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Our mission

Our mission is to provide a credible, transparent modeling platform that policymakers, researchers and civil society can use to inform climate change and energy transition policy development, advocacy, and discussion, and to serve the public discourse by providing timely objective analysis of policy announcements and political party platforms.

 The first phase of our work—now underway— is the development of an innovative open-source collection of energy system and economic impact models, complemented by open data and accessible visualization tools. Once fully developed, the platform will include 8 open-source models (see below), and we hope to add more models over time.

 This initiative will build upon the University of Victoria and EMH’s M3 platform, enhancing it with new models and data sources. The aim is to substantially boost the platform’s capabilities, in particular enabling deeper insights into energy systems, emissions, the economy, and employment at both national and regional levels.

 The second phase of the project, beginning in 2025, will offer a service for efficiently, objectively, and transparently assessing the impacts of climate and energy transition policy announcements and political platforms.

Opportunities for Collaboration

Open Insights will be guided by a ‘for and by the community’ ethos, aiming to engage a wide network of contributors in the development and refinement of the project’s models. In addition to releasing all models open-source, Open Insights will be excited to collaborate with other researchers and analysts committed to robust and transparent modeling. If you are interested in collaboration, please reach out to Open Insights Project Director, Deven Azevedo.

Open Insights is a collaborative effort between the Sustainable Energy Systems Integration & Transitions Group at the University of Victoria, Energy Modelling Hub, and Macrocosm, each committed to the development of a more transparent and accessible Canadian modeling ecosystem. The project is supported by the Clean Prosperity Foundation and Northpine Foundation.


Open Insights Suite of Models
A model covering all energy sectors in the economy, including oil & gas, power, buildings and transportation, designed to investigate long-term energy pathways and comprehensively assess energy policy packages.
An integrated energy-economy-emissions model designed to estimate policy effects and interactions in Canada’s energy system, while realistically including detailed technologies and consumers’ preferences and behaviour.
An agent-based macroeconomic model capable of simulating the economic growth, trade and income impacts of provincial and federal climate policies.
Labour ABM
An agent-based model designed to understand the response of labour markets to the energy transition.
Energy ABM
An agent-based model simulating the investment behaviors of firms in the energy sector as they develop and decommission energy projects in response to policy changes throughout the energy transition.
Technology cost forecast time-series models
A collection of data-driven models designed to forecast future costs of different energy technologies under certain deployment and investment scenarios.
The Canadian Opportunities for Planning and Production of Electricity Resources (COPPER) framework is an electricity system planning model used to understand how policies impact the grid mix, transmission investments and emissions in and across provinces.
The Strategic Integration of Large-capacity Variable Energy Resources (SILVER) tool is used to test the feasibility of a specific electricity system configuration, often provided by a planning model such as COPPER.​